826 Results for Patient Safety

On Point: Have You Established a Culture of Safety? Talk is cheap when it comes to protecting patients and staff from harm.

What's in Your MH Cart? Answer these 10 questions to find out if you're ready to respond to a malignant hyperthermia crisis.

Left-Behind Needle Proves Fatal; Lessons learned from the tragedy a final count might have prevented.

Advances in Medication Management; Technology can increase drug security and safety.

10 Tips for Safer Electrosurgery; Use these guidelines to keep both patients and staff safe.

Patient Safety: Priority One Protecting Patients; Houston Physicians' Hospital is committed to optimizing patient safety.

Safety: Can You Spot the Drug Safety Hazard?

Are You Doing Enough to Prevent Pressure Injuries; Proper patient positioning will protect patients' skin from avoidable harm.

The Soul of a Surgical Safety Checklist; What started as steps on a static piece of paper is now a digital tool that enhances patient safety.

Safety; 5 Ways You Can Prevent Drug Diversion

Prevent Pressure Ulcers; 7 practical pearls to protect your patients' skin.

The Ink Must Go Where the Knife Will Cut; There'll be less wrong-site surgery if your surgeons cut through their initials.

6 Hot Trends in Medication Safety; Add these technologies to protect your patients and staff from drug-related harm.

Almost Left Behind; Lessons learned from a final count that came up 2 sponges short.

3 non-invasive ways to easily track your patient's core body temperature before, during and after surgery.

Is your staff prepared to swing into action to save a patient's life?

Compounders are engineering safety features into their prefilled products.

Lawsuit: patient suffered emotional distress listening to surgeon talk while he operated on her. The doctor allegedly spooked the patient when he spoke about night sweats and blurred vision in Spanish as part of a language proficiency exam.

4 keys to prevent patient falls. Keep your patients from taking a tumble.

Take a closer look at ophthalmic compounded drugs. Here's what you can do to ensure the sterility, potency and purity of the outsourced injections you use in your facility.

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