390 Results for Orthopedics

Do pre-op injections cause post-op infections? Studies probe steroids' role in joint replacement complications.

Thinking of Buying ... Hip surgery tables and accessories. Their positioning abilities enable a less-invasive approach to joint repair.

Opportunities in outpatient trauma. How orthopedic ASCs can handle walk-in fracture care and other same-day trauma.

Your guide to orthopedic power tools. Give your surgeons what they want with smaller, stronger and smarter options.

The future of knee repair. Could meniscal replacement, stem cell technology and custom-made implants restore battered knees to like-new condition?

It's time to add outpatient total joints. Advancements in surgical technology and pain management usher in same-day joint replacement.

Equipping your total joints OR. How to furnish your room in style -- from the equipment to the instruments to the supplies.

Understanding your implant options. What you need to know before sifting through the countless versions of hip and knee hardware.

Reimbursement, robots and patient selection. Q&A with Sharat Kusuma, MD, joint replacement specialist and surgical consultant.

Home recovery and rehab for total joint patients. Daily visits from nurses and therapists are a necessary component of outpatient joint surgery.

3 key debates in same-day knee replacement. Experts discuss the roles of robotics, vendor reps and anesthesia in the outpatient evolution.

Inside our outpatient total joints program. Sending patients home hours after knee or hip replacement is ortho's hottest trend.

4 arthroscopy game-changers. From 4K to biologics, these advances are improving case efficiencies and surgical outcomes.

It's time for personalized tourniquet systems. They deliver more efficient application of cuff pressure to the limb, letting you use lower and safer tourniquet pressures.

More power to them. Surgeons want high-end features in the tools of their trade.

Arthroscopy's 3 hidden advances. These features have greatly benefited minimally invasive joint repair.

Objects of orthopedic desire. An afternoon spent browsing the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons exhibit hall.

Outpatient Total Joints: A growth opportunity? More and more facilities are adding outpatient total joints -- should you be one of them?

The power of innovation in power tools. They're getting lighter, smarter and more versatile.

Arthroscopy essentials. Improved fixation, access and visualization enhance outcomes.

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