364 Results for Opinion

We recently spoke with two experts: An administrator of an ambulatory surgery center that contracted with a third-party, offsite sterile processing facility after...

Anesthesia is in the middle of a major transition period. Increasingly, we’re seeing a shift away from the low-value/high-cost or ratio-based TEFRA models and a movement...

I started studying karate as an adult, and I was what was called a “legs fighter,” meaning I mostly kicked my way through 11 years of training, complete with some intense...

I’ve worked in the surgery for so long I can see the resemblance of my OR peeps to certain animals. Which ones do you resemble...?

Outpatient Surgery Magazine spoke with two pairs of surgeons to debate the most effective technique for performing total hip arthroplasty (THA)....

I loved playing sports growing up, and I believe that doing so provided me with valuable life skills such as work ethic, teamwork and leadership....

When I was an undergraduate at the University of Notre Dame, I had a roommate who was a philosophy and theology major, a very thoughtful guy who went on...

As an ASC administrator, I hold a special place in my heart for those team members—— who have been instrumental in running and elevating the success of our surgery...

This is the time for giving — giving thanks, giving praise and giving gifts. A scarf for Aunt Martha, a tie for Uncle Sam and the newest toy out there for the nephew or niece....

My role embodies all things safety. I’m responsible for promoting safe behaviors, raising awareness about potential hazards, encouraging reporting, auditing...

For healthcare providers, the shared primary goal is clear: Keeping their patients and their team members safe and free from harm....

I understand the need to advertise, I really do. But it still annoys me. Especially on local broadcasting where a program scheduled for 30 minutes gives you...

The delivery of anesthesia care involves many single-use plastic items, vials of medications and kilowatts of electricity....

These days, you can’t turn on the TV without being assaulted by drug commercials promising to improve everything from your erection to your opioid-induced constipation...

Not long ago, the notion of opioid-sparing surgery — the process of reducing potentially addictive narcotics through pre- and intraoperative multimodal anesthesia...

Q&A with Amrita Sethi, MD, MASGE, NYSGEF, founder and president of Women in Endoscopy (WIE), on the importance of women in the field....

As healthcare providers, we continuously push the boundaries of what we can safely do on an outpatient basis....

Growing up with two younger brothers and a little sister, I felt like my parents were practicing on me....

Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our new online column, where we sat down with Victoria Wiltshire, MBA, RN, VP and Chief Operating Officer...

Whenever I get up in the morning before a long shift, I need to check the weather forecast....

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