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Suspect wheeled $48,000 bed right out of Florida hospital. Thief struck with surgical precision during daring daytime heist caught on video.

House bill would intensify medical device monitoring. Sponsor cites power morcellator controversy.

Joan Rivers's docs proclaim innocence.No selfies, no fleeing: Multiple charges in malpractice suit denied.

Examining Exparel's effectiveness at controlling post-op pain. Does a pricier formulation of a traditional pain control medication deliver on its promises?

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Patient claims surgeon's bare hands responsible for post-op infection. Woman loses suit that alleged doctor used ungloved hand to drain fluid from her breast following surgery.

Patient says she was bullied into signing consent form. She'd repeatedly insisted she didn't want a hysterectomy.

Connecticut provider tax could force centers to close across state. A 6% provider tax included in the state's new budget could force more than a dozen centers to shut down.

Insufficient evidence to link nail polish, rings to SSIs. New study suggests more research is needed to determine if nail polish and rings impact infection rates.

Colonoscopy patient's cell phone records doctor's insults. Jury: Anesthesiologist defamed unconscious patient during procedure-room conversation and must pay $500,000.

Florida skin-cancer doc agrees to pay feds $4 million. He's accused of performing unnecessary procedures and fabricating others.

Can antibiotics successfully treat appendicitis? Study finds that majority of patients suffering from appendicitis can be treated with antibiotics alone.

N.J. Bill would close borders to out-of-state-owned ASCs. Ownership by in-state hospitals or med schools would be required.

Hospital allegedly fires surgeon for operating elsewhere. Doctor claims in economic credentialing lawsuit that hospital unjustly fired him and damaged his reputation.

Jury awards $45.6 million in pediatric paralysis case. Misplaced screws and cover-up were alleged.

FBI investigating whether J&J ignored safety concerns. Retired doc warned company about morcellation and cancer in 2006.

Surgery center nurse diverted demerol and tried to cover her tracks. The RN replaced the painkiller with saline solution, which was administered to as many as 250 patients at fertility clinic.

Did hospital discriminate against doc who sat during surgery? Health issues forced him onto a stool, and might have compromised patient safety.

Dentist allegedly choked kids, pulled out teeth unnecessarily. Florida dentist accused of child abuse to benefit from Medicaid has voluntarily relinquished his medical license.

Hospital sues Olympus over duodenoscope infections. Seattle's Virginia Mason sides with patient's widow in pending legal battle.

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