Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
The risks and dangers of complex spine procedures are significant, so surgeons must work with specially designed tables that give them the access, visibility, versatility,...
More than ever, older patients are doing everything within their power to stay active longer. For many with osteoporotic pressure injuries, multiple treatments often don't...
Spine surgery patients placed in the prone position can develop pressure injuries on areas of their bodies without much natural protection. Fortunately, there are plenty of...
The nature of spine surgery makes the risk of wrong-site errors greater than in any other surgical discipline. Similar-looking vertebrae, patient obesity, anatomic...
Same-day spine is one of surgery’s hottest specialties thanks to several new technologies that are making complex surgeries simpler for surgeons, more accurate...
The Laser Spine Institute's final day started like many others. Prospective patients called in from as far as the coast of Africa for consultations. Families flew in from Canada...
Keys to Safe Spine Surgery Positioning; The keys to injury prevention - neutral positioning and proactive padding.
Set Up for Same-Day Spine - A new 50,000-square-foot surgery center will help our surgeons keep pace with an expected jump in case volume.
9 tips for adding outpatient spine. Advice from the founder and the administrator of one of the country's first spine surgery centers.
Is it time to add spinal fusion? Minimally invasive techniques have transformed a complex open surgery into a viable outpatient option.
Why we renovated for outpatient spine. Our surgery center expanded into a rehabbed facility for a fraction of what new construction would have cost.
Secrets to safe same-day spinal fusion. Anterior cervical surgery is all about patient selection and pain management
Capture your share of same-day spine. What factors will influence where your surgeons will bring their cases?
Thinking of Buying ... A Spine Surgery Table - Outpatient Surgery Maga
Should you add same-day spine? Building a spine program into the backbone of your schedule.
5 keys to safer spine surgery. As you take on complex spine cases, here's how to prevent common complications.
Is it chronic pain, or something worse? Guidelines highlight potentially deadly spinal infection.