Looking Beyond the Surface - Infection Control - May, 2007
Challenging 4 Myths of Pediatric Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magaz
Evaluating Surgical Skin Preps - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Februar
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2003
What's New in Surface Disinfection - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jan
Scope Reprocessing: 4 Corners You Just Can't Cut - Outpatient Surgery
Gloves: Fit for a Budget - Infection Control - May, 2006
Microbe Basics - Infection Control - May, 2002
Skin Deep Isn't Cheap - Surgical Supplies - October, 2006
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October, 2004
Thinking of Buying...A Sterilizer - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Augu
Sterile Processing's Link to Infections - Infection Control - May, 200
Eight Steps to Better Scope Reprocessing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Scrub or Rub: Is It Time to Change Your Hand-Hygiene Protocol - Outpat
The Evolution of Personal Protection - Infection Control - May, 2004
Hand Hygiene for the Whole Facility - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Ja
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2003
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2006
Is It Time to Retire the Mop? - Infection Control - May, 2005
Coming Clean on Hand Hygiene: How Much Do You Really Know? - Outpatien