Free Toolkit Available for ASCs Reprocessing Single-Use Devices - This
One Glove to Love - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2010
Cleaning Cannulated Devices - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November,
Are Your Endoscopes In Good Hands? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Nov
Hospital, IOL Maker Not Liable for Post-Op Infection - This Just In -
Bedbugs Found in Maine Hospital - This Just In - October, 2010
"Pink Glove Dance" Video Boosts Breast Cancer Awareness - This Just In
ASC Infection Control Practices in the Spotlight Again - This Just In
The Right Antibiotic, Right on Time - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
3M to Buy Warming Device Manufacturer Arizant for $810M - This Just In
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2010
The Battle Against SSIs Heats Up - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septe
Thinking of Buying...Non-Steam Sterilizers - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Reusing Single-Dose Vials a 'Recurring Problem' in N.J. ASCs - This Ju
Is Manual Cleaning of Flexible Endoscopes Still Necessary? - Outpatien
Thinking of Buying...A Steam Sterilizer - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Surviving a Sterile Processing Failure - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Study: Choice of Regional vs. General Anesthesia Could Impact SSI Risk
More Than 75% of Ill. Surgery Centers Cited in Infection Control Inspe
Supplies and Storage - New Products for Surgery - July, 2010