Through my decades of researching, testing and helping implement healthcare design solutions, I’ve learned an important lesson: A human-centered and evidence-based...
Urology is at a crossroads regarding its key tools: flexible cystoscopes and ureteroscopes....
Glass- or steel-walled operating rooms, which have been popular in Europe for some time, are a growing trend in U.S. ORs as the focus on infection prevention increases...
The enduring threat of surgical site infections (SSIs) is alarming....
The jury is out on how big of a role airborne contaminants play when it comes to causing surgical site infections....
Surgical leaders often wear the infection preventionist (IP) hat for their ASC by necessity. While juggling numerous responsibilities, they do their best to put together...
The practice of nasal decolonization — the application of a topical bactericidal agent in the nares to help prevent infection — should seem familiar to patients who...
Stepping into the role of an ASC infection preventionist without any prior experience or training felt like setting sail in uncharted waters....
No matter how prepared your center, surgeons and staff are about sharps injuries, these potentially devastating incidents still can (and probably will) occur....
If you aren’t intimately familiar with the CMS Infection Control (IC) worksheet, you’ll probably want to make it a top priority — and the sooner, the better....
Want to participate in International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) — it’s Oct. 15-21 — but haven’t had the time to come up with anything?
From meticulous surface disinfection policies to rigorous skin prepping protocols, surgical leaders have their hands full when it comes to making sure their facilities’...
Finding an easy-to-implement, cost-effective and widely accepted patient-approved infection prevention protocol to help prevent surgical site infections...
One need look no further than the emerging threat from Candida auris (C. auris), a fungus that is highly resistant to drugs designed to kill it, to realize the importance...
A decade after the CDC, FDA and others first stressed that more attention should be paid to the dangers of improperly reprocessed endoscopes, such errors remain...
Our health system acquired part of an under-utilized shopping mall and converted it into a surgery center.....
Unfortunately, there’s not a magic, all-encompassing solution for preventing surgical site infections (SSIs). Instead, it’s a never-ending process that requires...
Infection prevention and sterile processing pros who visit GI centers continue to see the use of inadequate endoscope storage methods that can foster contamination...
We perform roughly 40 procedures a day at our busy orthopedic surgery center, and we expect every patient to leave the operating room without a pressure injury....
Lots of thought and energy is expended deciding which cleaning products to use and how to train staff to properly apply them....