Clear hand signals that let everyone know that a patient is ready to be rolled back, an Idea That Works from a surgical center in Texas.
Color-coded carts keep supplies separated. An Idea that Works from a hospital in North Carolina.
Calm anxious surgical patients before surgery with soothing sounds. An Idea that Works from a medical center in Minnesota.
Remoisten ECG pads with drops of saline. An Idea that Works from a Healthcare Centre in Vancouver, Canada.
Dealing with day-of cancellations. A simple move to avoid major disruptions of your schedule. An Idea that Works from an eye center in South Carolina.
A refreshing drink for hard working staff - only a quarter. An Idea that Works from a surgical center in Virginia.
Saving unused blue towels is a green option. An Idea that Works from a surgery center in South Carolina.
Ideas That Work: 3:00 Timer - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September
Ideas That Work: After the Cases Are Done - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Ideas That Work: Patient Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septem
Ideas That Work: Emergency Response - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Se
Ideas That Work: Housekeeping Time Saver - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Ideas That Work: Goodie Box - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September,
Ideas That Work: Alert Clasps - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septembe
Ideas That Work: Eyeglass Cases - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septem
Ideas That Work: Calming Young Patients - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Ideas That Work: No More Cardboard Boxes - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Ideas That Work: 3 Rules For Drug Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Ideas That Work: Reuse Plastic Bags - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Au
Ideas That Work: Clutter-Free OR - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Augus