CMS Expected to Push Back October 2013 ICD-10 Deadline - This Just In
14 Hospitals Pay $12M to Settle Medicare Fraud Charges Surrounding Spi
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2012
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2011
American Medical Association No Fan of ICD-10 - This Just In - Novembe
Clearing Reimbursement Hurdles - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novembe
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2011
Modest Medicare Payment Increases for Both Hospitals and ASCs in 2012
N.J. Insurer Prevails in Payment Recoup Lawsuit - This Just In - Augus
American College of Surgeons Supports ASC Reimbursement Reform Bill -
Get What's Yours - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2011
CMS Proposes Rate Increases of 0.9% for ASCs, 1.5% for HOPDs in 2012 -
Study: Medicare Reimbursement Discourages Same-Day Bundling of Endosco
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June, 2011
Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Overhaul ASC Reimbursement - This Just In
Mass. Report Shows Wide Disparity in Hospital Payments for the Same Se
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2011
Sutter Health Accused of Fraudulent Anesthesia Billings - This Just In
Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - April, 2011