The Massachusetts Public Health Council last week approved legislation that increases the state government's oversight of new healthcare construction, according to...
If you've been hired to oversee an ASC's opening, you'll want to make sure you have the following documents on hand: CMS's Conditions of Coverage, if you're seeking...
Make Your Confrontations Constructive - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Business Advisor - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June, 2008
The Case for Hospital Joint Ventures - Surgical Construction - January
9 Lessons Learned Along the Way - Surgical Construction - January, 200
See Your ORs Before They're Built - Surgical Construction - January, 2
What Architects Wish You Knew - Surgical Construction - January, 2008
New Surgical Construction From A to Z - Surgical Construction - Januar
Countdown to Success - Surgical Construction - January, 2008
Facilities on Parade - Surgical Construction - January, 2008
Design and Development for Dummies - Surgical Construction - January,
Surveying the 2008 Legal Landscape - Surgical Construction - January,
How We Survived Our Construction Project - Surgical Construction - Jan
Who Says There's a Credit Crunch? - Surgical Construction - January, 2
Get It First, But First Get It Right - Surgical Construction - January
Diary of a New Surgery Center - Surgical Construction - January, 2004
Brick by Brick: How Much Will Your New ASC Cost? - Surgical Constructi
Why Our Hospital Is Building an ASC - Surgical Construction - January,
Are CONs Making a Comeback? - Surgical Construction - January, 2005