Business Advisor: going green can save you green. 10 ways that environmental stewardship can really pay off.
Simple steps for going greener. You don't have to go to the ends of the earth for your environmental efforts.
Tips for greening the operating room. Sensible steps you can take today to shrink your carbon footprint.
Going Green 101 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2013
Doctor Loses License for Touching Anesthetized Patients' Breasts - Thi
Good to Be Green - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2011
Nurse Anesthetist Found Guilty of Sexually Assaulting Female Patients
Healthcare Manufacturers Form Recycling Coalition - This Just In - Apr
Surgical Hospital Worker Found Dead of Apparent Inhaled Anesthetic Ove
It's Easy (On Your Budget) Being Green - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Inhaled Anesthetics Have Significant Global Warming Impact - This Just
Green OR Initiative Launched - This Just In - May, 2010
Is Green Building the Future of Health Care? - Going Green - April, 20
6 Secrets to Sustainable Success - Going Green - April, 2010
How Green Is Refurbished Equipment? - Going Green - April, 2010
Single Use, Multiple Benefits - Going Green - April, 2010
Making the Case for Leaner, Greener Surgical Supplies - Going Green -
Planting the Seeds for Sustainable Suppliers - Going Green - April, 20
OSM Now Printed on Forest Stewardship Council Certified Paper - This J
Green with Envy - Going Green - April, 2009