Tips for greening the operating room. Sensible steps you can take today to shrink your carbon footprint.
Going Green 101 - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2013
Doctor Loses License for Touching Anesthetized Patients' Breasts - Thi
Good to Be Green - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2011
Nurse Anesthetist Found Guilty of Sexually Assaulting Female Patients
Healthcare Manufacturers Form Recycling Coalition - This Just In - Apr
Surgical Hospital Worker Found Dead of Apparent Inhaled Anesthetic Ove
It's Easy (On Your Budget) Being Green - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Inhaled Anesthetics Have Significant Global Warming Impact - This Just
Green OR Initiative Launched - This Just In - May, 2010
Is Green Building the Future of Health Care? - Going Green - April, 20
6 Secrets to Sustainable Success - Going Green - April, 2010
How Green Is Refurbished Equipment? - Going Green - April, 2010
Single Use, Multiple Benefits - Going Green - April, 2010
Making the Case for Leaner, Greener Surgical Supplies - Going Green -
Planting the Seeds for Sustainable Suppliers - Going Green - April, 20
OSM Now Printed on Forest Stewardship Council Certified Paper - This J
A Green Guide for Green Administrators - Going Green - April, 2009
How We Recycle in the OR - Going Green - April, 2009
Success on Green Mountain - Going Green - April, 2009