The effort to pass mandatory surgical smoke evacuation legislation in statehouses across the U.S. continues in 2025 with the ultimate goal of removing toxic plume...
Eco-conscious facilities should always strive to practice sustainable health care.
Why should a surgery center become more sustainable? The energy intensity, expensive supplies and significant waste generated in surgery offer plenty of opportunities to...
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City proves that going green doesn’t automatically mean you will lose green....
The delivery of anesthesia care involves many single-use plastic items, vials of medications and kilowatts of electricity....
Sometimes it’s not just who you are but also where you are....
If you’re serious about sustainability in the OR, then you’d better be focused on your glove purchasing practices....
Want a simple way to make sure your staff recycles more? Make sure cans are easily accessible and visible. Knoxville (Tenn.) Orthopaedic Surgery Center utilizes recycling trash cans in its staff lounges...
After much work, communication and trial and error, the staff at Eye 35 ASC in Schertz, Texas, have fine-tuned and standardized their surgical packs to match their exact needs....
Change is difficult, especially in health care. Even if an idea sounds easy to implement, getting the effort off the ground and your team on board can be the hardest part. But this didn’t deter Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center...
Do no harm guides the culture of safe patient care. At The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J., the mantra also extends to protecting the environment. As part of a commitment...
When Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minn., wanted to step up its sustainability efforts, placing more recycling bins around the facility was a great start. But too many staff were still uncertain about what should be recycled...
Approach greening your facility as a strong and steady tortoise would, rather than a hare sprinting out of the box. “Build a strong foundation,” says Kaeleigh Sheehan,...
Anesthesia providers who dial back the anesthetic gases could save your facility money and go greener. The idea behind low-flow anesthesia is quite simple: Adjusting flows of inhalational agents to a “just right” level of...
If you want your staff to make going green a part of their day-to-day mindset, the process must be as simple and as convenient as possible. Placing recycling containers within an arm’s reach of wherever they work...
When linens were in short supply during COVID-19, staff at Houston Physicians’ Hospital (HPH) struggled to procure enough cotton blankets to keep their patients warm. When they reached out to vendors to try to obtain more...
Many patients at Einstein Endoscopy Center in Blue Bell, Pa., leave behind the no-slip socks they’re provided. “The socks are used only for a couple of hours, and we used to throw them away, but, at the suggestion of a patient,...
Going Green for the Greater Good; Surgical tech Veronica Marella's idea to turn blue wrap into sleep mats for the homeless inspired a nationwide movement.
From blue wrap to plastic film to white cardboard, ORs produce millions of mounds and millions of pounds of waste per year. Rather than cart it away to landfills,...
Environmental Stewardship: Blue Is the New Green; The team at Memorial Hermann Surgery Center has found many innovative uses for blue wrap - both in and out of the OR.