99 Results for Editors Page

Editor's Page; We All Make Mistakes, But Few Talk About Them.

What AORN's acquisition of Outpatient Surgery means to you [it's all good].

Editor's Page: Good Help Is Hard to Find. And even harder to keep, as I - and probably you - know all too well.

Editor's page: Are your surgeons suffering in silence? The wear and tear of laparoscopy will take its toll on your doctors.

Editor's page: Those who are bullied bully right back. Now we know why the oppressed eat their young and each other.

Editor's page: A day of surgeries and zero opioids. Will alternative pain management techniques go mainstream?

Editor's Page: FDA's forced air letter seems a little forced. The FDA recommends you continue using 3M's forced-arm warmers.

Editor's page: As one surgical center closes, another opens. Florida's first ASC says goodbye as a persistent eye doc claims victory.

Editor's page: when quality reporting becomes burdensome. Patient satisfaction surveys could be more trouble than they're worth.

Editor's page: Opening up about a threat that closed down an ASC. 'I have a gun and I'm coming to shoot up the place, so be ready.'

Editor's page: Make surgical smoke evacuation mandatory. Let's clear the air and address a major health hazard facing OR staff.

Editor's Page: More Questions Than Answers - Outpatient Surgery Magazi

Editor's page: A CRNA's story of addiction and recovery. 'We must grant each other permission to save each other.'

Editor's page: Putting things into their proper perspective. A surgical fire, appropriate OR attire and UnitedHealth's empire.

Editor's Page: Double standard on double-booked surgeries. If anesthesiologists can supervise multiple ORs, why can't surgeons?

Editor's page: follow the money. The math can be tricky in the business of surgery.

Editor's page: Does your facility have surgeon appeal? The little things sometimes matter most to your docs.

Editor's Page: An administrator's work is never done. The days are never dull when you must be an expert in everything.

Editor's Page: Don't flip your lid over surgeons in skullcaps. The iconic symbol of surgery is at the center of a dress-code dustup.

Editor's Page: when cost-cutting jeopardizes patient safety. Physician claims he was told to skimp on anesthesia to hasten discharge.

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