Should FDA Approve Gastric Lap-Band for the Slightly Obese? - This Jus
Allergan Seeks FDA Approval for Lap-Band for Less Obese Patients - Thi
Bariatric Complication Risk Lower With High-Volume Docs, Facilities -
Surgeon Called Patients to Urge Them to Cancel Their Bariatric Procedu
Study Finds Low Rate of Short-Term Complications in Obesity Surgery -
Study: Outcomes No Better at Bariatric Centers of Excellence - This Ju
Bariatric Surgery Lite - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2009
CMS Seeks to Limit Coverage for Bariatric Surgery to Treat Diabetes -
Researchers: Bariatric Surgery "Makes Economic Sense" - This Just In -
The State of Bariatric Surgery - Overweight Patients - March, 2008
Band Leaders - Abdominal Surgery - March, 2007
The Skinny on Post-bariatric Surgery - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - S
Preparing Your Practice for Adolescent Patients - Bariatric Surgery -
How to Start a Bariatric Program - Minimally Invasive Surgery - March,
What You Need to Know About Bariatric Surgery Training - Bariatric Sur
What It's Like to Be a Bariatric Surgery Patient - Bariatric Surgery -
Succeeding at Outpatient Gastric Bypass - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
How We Became a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence - Outpatient Su
Bariatric Surgery Economics - Bariatric Surgery - March, 2005
How We Added Lap-Band Surgery - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November