824 Results for Anesthesia

Patients who have their knees and hips replaced at Yale Medicine in New Haven, Conn., are ready to head home the day of surgery in large part because they’re given shots...

An 84-year-old patient came in for a vision-saving surgery at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, where Tom Durick, MD, works as an anesthesiologist and assistant professor. “He was blind...

Surgical professionals know opioids are not always the best way to control post-op pain, yet many still focus on using the drugs to help patients feel comfortable...

Postoperative pain pumps have become “smarter” over the years, enabling providers to better ensure patients get the right dosages of anesthetic medicine at the right times...

Here’s an alarming statistic that should give you pause: More than half of surgical patients report poor post-op pain control. Opioids aren’t the answer to this problem....

Patients who feel sick after surgery are less than happy with the care they received. They are also at an increased risk of suffering wound dehiscence, electrolyte...

Cryoanalgesia is emerging as a compelling option for managing the immense pain of total knee replacements. Its specific application for total knee pain management is...

Deftly placing a needle in a patient and injecting a local anesthetic near targeted nerves in the exact part of a body that needs to be numbed for a specific surgery requires...

I once cared for a pediatric patient who had been intubated for respiratory failure caused by acute severe asthma two weeks before they presented for emergency...

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy and a condition for which many patients seek treatment, according to Mark A. Mahan, MD, FAANS....

Imagine walking into the operating room of tomorrow and feeling out of place in unfamiliar surroundings. “ORs are going to look very different in the future,” ...

The patient underwent a revision decompression with a two-level front-back fusion first thing in the morning and was up and moving about by evening. “That was definitely...

The increased centralization of the nation’s anesthesia provider groups mirrors what’s happening in the ASC market — many physician-owned centers are being...

Successful airway management can mean the difference between an uneventful surgery and a devastating outcome. “Anesthesia providers need to diligently evaluate...

You notice a sudden rise in the patient’s temperature and end-tidal CO2 levels along with an elevated heart rate and the early signs of muscle rigidity. The symptoms point...

If you want to get a glimpse into the potential of outpatient surgery, look no further than orthopedics. Surgeons, armed with the industry’s latest technologies and tools,...

Most cataract surgeons can remove a cloudy natural lens and implant an IOL in less than 10 minutes, so high-volume ophthalmic facilities thrive by finding ways to...

Angela Francois couldn’t sleep. The painful numbness in her hands was waking her up in the middle of the night on a more consistent basis. She had been experiencing...

Sometimes it takes an unprecedented global event to help facilities refocus their efforts on the basic, tried-and-true protocols that fell by the wayside as pressing issues demanded immediate attention. COVID-19 was...

Less than a decade ago, virtually all spine surgeries were performed on an inpatient basis. The reason for this was much more than an antiquated belief that those who had just had back surgery should be immobilized...

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