799 Results for Anesthesia

Are Your Anesthesia Providers Doing Enough? - ORX Proceedings - Decemb

How Would You Warm This Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novem

A Nerve Block For Every Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novem

Misplaced Nerve Block Brings $554K Verdict - This Just In - October, 2

What's the Ideal Sedative for Oral Surgery? - This Just In - October,

Smart Ways To Save on Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Octob

Your Guide to Multimodal Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc

Inside Our Multimodal PONV Protocol - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc

Anesthesia Alert - Are You Ready to Manage Diabetic Patients? - Outpat

Thinking of Buying - Anesthesia Machines - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Why We Pre-Warm Our Patients - Employee & Patient Safety - October, 20

11 Tips for Better Blocks - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2

Video Laryngoscopes: Not Just for Difficult Airways Anymore - Outpatie

2012 OR Excellence Awards - Pain Control - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Video Shows Patient Pushing His Own Propofol:Updated - This Just In -

Anesthesia Alert - Who Should Sedate GI Patients? - Outpatient Surgery

Understanding Ultrasound - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2012

OIG to Surgeons: 'Hands Off Anesthesia Fees!' - Outpatient Surgery Mag

Warming Your High-Acuity Patients - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2012

What Belongs in the Crash Cart? - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2012

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