Ask the Informatics Nurse

Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your outpatient surgery procedures or cut down on documentation burdens, our blog has you covered.

At AORN Syntegrity, we know perioperative nursing informatics! Our operating room documentation and procedure list enhances your electronic health records (EHR) software, reducing the documentation burden and standardizing perioperative processes. This goes for the 800+ healthcare facilities who use AORN Syntegrity, from enterprise-level hospital groups to independent ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs).

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What Role Does the PNDS Play in Better Patient Outcomes?


Abilities required from perioperative nurses differ from those of nurses in other fields. While all nurses rely on innate intelligence and compassion, perioperative nurses often utilize additional physical stamina and a heightened ability to handle emergency situations. Perioperative nurses have excellent knowledge of sterile techniques and focus intently on patient safety.

Furthermore, perioperative nurses wield the Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS), the standardized nursing language for documentation in the operating room. This standardization contributes to better patient outcomes by reducing confusion, helping to collect and benchmark data, and streamlining workflows.

How Can We Prove the PNDS Is Working?

We know the PNDS is working because nurses tell us that the PNDS is essential to smooth operations in the OR. However, demonstrating the value of the PNDS beyond hearsay – and consequently the value of perioperative nursing as a discipline – requires research and empirical data.

Photo of Ric Cuming

“Research in nursing informatics is critical as, today, virtually nothing in healthcare is accomplished without information science,” explains AORN Foundation Trustee and Christiana Care Chief Operating Officer Ric Cuming, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN (pictured). “At the same time, technology is often cited as a key contributor to burnout among health care workers. It is essential that we continue to develop our systems, ensuring that they support the workforce rather than burden it.

“Perioperative nurses are well positioned to conduct research and implement innovation due to their proximity to the environment, their innate curiosity and desire to improve patient and workforce outcomes,” Cuming explains. “Until very recently, much of nursing practice was grounded in what we ‘thought’ were best practices. The scientific study of these practices and the testing of alternatives allows us to root nursing practice in empirical evidence. This is especially true when we think about patient and workplace safety.”

How Can You Help AORN Foundation Support PNDS Research?

A contribution to the AORN Foundation is an investment in nursing excellence and patient safety. The Foundation has issued thousands of professional development grants for CNOR, CSSM and CNAMB certification, academic scholarships, membership grants, chapter-level grants and more.

“The Foundation supports research and innovation which result in improved, safer patient care along with a safer workplace for caregivers,” says Cuming.

Learn more and contribute to the Foundation’s mission.

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