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Acronym | Full Credit Type Name |
AAPC | American Academy of Professional Coders |
CA | California Board of Registered Nurses |
CBSPD | Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc. |
CCMC | Commission for Case Manager Certification |
CRCE | Continuing Respiratory Care Education |
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) | Healthcare Sterile Processing Association |
NCCT | National Center for Competency Testing |
ASRT | American Society of Radiologic Technologists |
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This program will cover the evolution and history of surgical gloves; glove perforations and sharps injuries; the infection risk for the glove wearer and patient; double gloving and glove changing research; best glove practices; and current guidelines and standards of practice for glove changing.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
The scope of this education activity will address the physiologic effects of different types of diabetes and the means of controlling diabetes to protect a person from diabetic complications and provide quality of life through treatment support.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity will provide an overview of the clinical considerations related to the use of IUSS using rigid containers. It will provide a brief overview of both the clinical and economic impact of surgical site infections today. The current guidelines and professional recommendations that outline the indications for IUSS and the use of rigid containers will be reviewed.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity is designed to help improve patient outcomes and safety by providing evidence-based practices, and the latest regulatory and scientific information available about sterile processing. You'll explore key steps in the manufacturing process of “premium” grade surgical instruments, clinical considerations used when selecting instruments, as well as the importance of water quality used for processing are discussed.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Nurses and infection preventionists are balancing staff and patient safety, prevention of hospital-acquired infections, and the ever-changing regulatory environment. This program focuses on isolation gowns because they are a critical element of PPE, in that they prevent staff and patient exposure to infectious diseases and improve patient outcomes.
Credits CA:2.0
Both tube dislodgement and medical device-related pressure injuries can lead to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient and potential legal and financial risks for healthcare organizations. This learning activity will outline the incidence, complications, and costs of unplanned extubation and medical device-related pressure injuries.
Credits CRCE:2.0
Both tube dislodgement and medical device-related pressure injuries can lead to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient and potential legal and financial risks for healthcare organizations. This learning activity will outline the incidence, complications, and costs of unplanned extubation and medical device-related pressure injuries.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Learn about updated guidance for the prevention of the transmission of CRE (arbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae) and related superbugs during gastrointestinal endoscopy and new standards of practice regarding infection prevention and control in the GI endoscopic setting.
Credit CA:1.0
The constant risks posed by a broad range of microorganisms in fast-paced healthcare environments can be overwhelming. This primer will cover (1) the most prevalent MDRO; (2) UV-C air and surface disinfection technologies and how to evaluate their broad-spectrum efficacy; and (3) hands-on best practices for safe, effective implementation.
Credits: CA:1.0, AEU:1.0
Experts predict a shortfall of 18 to 20 million healthcare workers by 2030, which constitutes a developing public health crisis that demands an urgent response. Do your part to address nationwide staffing issues with tips for ramping up recruitment and retention efforts in your facility.
Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0, CCM:2.0
Explore different types of ostomies and the components used for pouching systems. You'll learn about the role of the interprofessional team while emphasizing best practices for ostomy management.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Gloves are a common medical device used as barrier protection in the medical field. This continuing education discusses how latex surgical gloves are being replaced with synthetic alternatives to create latex-safe environments.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Surgical draping incorporates principles of aseptic technique to optimize patient outcomes. Drapes are designed to provide a physical barrier, optimize exposure of the operative site, cover supplies and equipment, and reduce the risk of surgical site infection.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This ebook has been designed to assist perioperative professionals deliver safe and effective patient care when smoke evacuation is used during operative and invasive procedures. The topics presented include: what we know about surgical smoke; the best defenses against surgical smoke; recommended United States (US) practices, guidelines, standards and regulations as well as international recommendations/guidelines on surgical smoke; and suggested steps for implementing a smoke evacuation program.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Electrosurgery may be hazardous, so it is important that clinicians understand how electricity behaves and relates to electrosurgical function and applications can contribute to its safe use. Knowledge of the intraoperative and postoperative medical and nursing considerations and interventions can impact positive patient outcomes.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This learning activity will focus on hypertension, the importance of accurate and standardized blood pressure measurement with proper patient positioning and best practice integration of blood pressure measurement in the clinical setting.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Review the problem of retained surgical items (RSI), including their economic and clinical implications. Assessing human factors, creating a safety, quality culture and how you, as a leader, can help reduce adverse events such as RSIs is also discussed. Strategies to reduce the incidence of RSIs and promote positive patient outcomes, including the role of adjunct technology, are outlined.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
The advantages of using an online system for direct access to valuable information about a procedure pack program will be discussed. The five key functions of an online pack management system will be outlined. Best practices for standardization of procedural supplies across an integrated delivery network or individual hospital will be described.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity provides an overview of the general concepts of robot-assisted surgical systems, briefly revisiting historical and current developments, and describing the unique challenges associated various types of Trendelenburg positioning. Best practices for patient positioning during robotic surgical procedures will be outlined and product selection criteria for positioning equipment and devices for use during robot-assisted surgery will be discussed.
Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
This continuing education activity provides a review of the key considerations for the appropriate selection and use of surgical gowns as an infection prevention measure for both patients and the surgical team. Standards and guidelines pertaining to the selection and use of surgical gowns published by various federal agencies and professional organizations are covered.