Rethink the Multitasking Trap
By: Outpatient Surgery Editors
Published: 5/18/2024
For some generations, the importance of multitasking and the ability to successfully apply it was drilled into your subconscious. Recent studies have shown, however, that forever tackling two or more tasks at once actually isn’t as efficient as once believed, and it can unduly tax your brain power. That can result in a mental energy drain where, by the end of a busy day or week, you can become a jack of all trades and a master of none. Distraction and exhaustion can lead to errors and lack of focus. Even when you technically accomplish many tasks at once, the quality and thoroughness of your work can suffer. Instead, structure your day to devote discrete chunks of time where you focus on an individual task exclusively.
A great leader understands that focus and accuracy are more important than multitasking.