Are You Prepared to Treat Malignant Hyperthermia?


Check your state of readiness by taking this quiz about the rare-but-serious sudden onset condition.

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) doesn't often occur, but when it does the mortality rate is extremely high if the condition is not treated soon after symptoms appear. This quiz can help you determine if your staff is ready to immediately jump into action when a patient's life hangs in the balance.

1. MH can be triggered by which of the following agents?

  • a. midazolam and ketamine
  • b. propofol and nitrous oxide
  • c. succinylcholine, sevoflurane and other inhalational gases
  • d. demerol and glycopyrrolate
  • Reveal

IMPORTANT ROLES Handing out task cards to responding team members gives each person something to do and makes sure no steps are missed.  |  Dominique Hershberger

2. The element that is responsible for the body's deregulation in an MH crisis is _____________.

  • a. calcium
  • b. magnesium
  • c. sodium
  • d. phosphorus
  • Reveal

3. Which of the following statements regarding the incidence of MH is true?

  • a. Research shows that women and people older than 19 years are less likely to experience an MH emergency.
  • b. A genetic carrier will experience an MH crisis every time they are exposed to a triggering agent.
  • c. A genetic carrier will never experience an MH emergency if they're not exposed to an anesthetic triggering agent.
  • d. Children with one parent who has one of the genetic mutations that make people susceptible to MH have a 50-50 chance of carrying the mutation themselves.
  • Reveal

4. Prophylactic dosing of dantrolene should be administered before surgery when the patient is unsure if the genetic disposition is present.

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • Reveal
ALWAYS ON CALL Twenty-six consultants staff the MHAUS hotline to help surgical teams work through emergencies as they happen.  |  Brad Fremming

5. How soon must dantrolene be available for administration after a crisis is apparent?

  • a. two minutes
  • b. five minutes
  • c. 10 minutes
  • Reveal

6. What is the first thing a surgical team should do when a decision is made to treat a patient for an MH emergency?

  • a. stop administration of the triggering agent
  • b. place ice packs on the patient
  • c. hyperventilate the patient
  • d. prepare dantrolene for administration
  • e. call for help
  • Reveal
SOLE ANTIDOTE Several staff members could be needed to reconstitute dantrolene and ready it for administration to the patient as quickly as possible.  |  Carlos A. Ibarra Moreno

7. How frequently should staff undergo MH readiness training?

  • a. once a year
  • b. twice a year
  • c. during onboarding
  • d. a and c
  • e. b and c
  • Reveal

8. The MHAUS Hotline should be called only after it's been determined the surgical team is dealing with a true emergency and has decided to treat the patient for MH.

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • Reveal

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