Warmed From Start to Finish


Maintaining normothermia in patients throughout their surgical stay sends them home healthy and happy.

Every surgical patient should be warmed, whether it's to keep them comfortable in chilly ORs or prevent the chilling effects of perioperative hypothermia. It's equally clear that warming amounts to good business, because keeping patients warm makes them as satisfied as much as it keeps them well. Our warming practices begin shortly after patients walk in the door and continue until moments before they leave. It's a big reason why poor outcomes and poor customer satisfaction surveys are nonexistent here. Here's how you can get the same results.

  • In pre-op. Warming methods should begin shortly after patients arrive in pre-op. Discussing the benefits of your warming protocols as they slip on a thin surgical gown will ensure they're paying attention. Wrapping them in a warmed cotton blanket and slipping on warmed non-slip socks will make them even more receptive to hearing about the active warming methods you'll apply throughout their stay. Explain to patients that preventing perioperative hypothermia reduces risks for surgical site infections, cardiovascular complications, surgical blood loss and delayed wound healing.

Maintaining normothermia also decreases recovery times and ensures patients remain comfortable throughout their stay — some patients characterize shivering after surgery as worse than post-op pain.

  • In the OR. When patients are wheeled to surgery, make sure a staff member is waiting for them in the hallway to apply a freshly warmed cotton blanket that will keep them comfortable as they enter the OR, which to many patients feels as cold as a meat locker. This is why we pivot to applying forced-air warming blankets once the patient is on the surgical table. We have 10 forced-air systems in our facility, which cost about $1,500 apiece. The blankets themselves come in packs of 10.

We use all of the active warming methods available to us — full-body blankets or under-body warming pads; gowns that cover only the upper or lower body; and gowns designed to cover the torso or chest — depending on the procedure being performed in order to maintain normothermia while providing surgeons with access to the surgical site. Conductive underbody thermal pads are also available to keep patients warm and maximize surgeons' access to surgical sites.

Once the patient is properly positioned on the table, treat the surgical site with a warmed prepping solution, if possible. We use a 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) and 70% isopropyl alcohol solution, which can be warmed to 86°F. (A couple of our surgeons also use povidone-iodine as a prepping solution, which we do not warm.) If you don't warm prepping solutions, consider storing them in pre-op or the PACU where it's slightly warmer than the OR.

Keep patients actively warmed for the duration of their time in the OR. Monitor their core temperature during all phases of the surgery. Maintain the OR's temperatures within the range recommended by national guidelines. (AORN recommends keeping the thermostat set between 68°F and 75°F.)

Warmed IV fluids can also help maintain normothermia in patients. Most fluids can be warmed in warming blanket cabinets set to 100°F. The warm fluids reduce vasoconstriction, and research has shown that warming IV and irrigation fluids keeps patients' core temperature half-a-degree warmer during surgery than room temperature fluids. We also warm the grounding pads used to protect patients during electrosurgery and the electrodes that attach to an external defibrillator in the event something goes wrong during procedures to implant pacemakers or cardioverter defibrillators. • In the PACU. Continue to monitor patients' temperatures and apply active warming methods until they register a normothermic temperature at least 15 minutes after arriving. Keeping patients warm makes for faster discharges. Shivering can cause cardiovascular stress from increases in oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and overall cardiac output that can lead to complications. In old, frail or other high-risk patients, these factors can contribute to complications such as myocardial infarction, ischemia or hypoxemia. I don't feel the need to explain all the clinical benefits of warming to most patients. It's usually enough to simply say that you want them to have a quick and comfortable recovery.

Warm regards

COMFORTABLY WARM Warming accessories such as grounding pads used in electrosurgery help keep patients balmy during surgery.  |  Advanced Surgical Center

Our warming protocol is standard for most patients. We use warmed cotton blankets in pre-op and forced-air blankets in the OR and the PACU. Some of our returning patients sometimes ask for forced-air warming blankets in pre-op — they call them the "little heaters" — and we accommodate the requests. Some patients with higher BMIs can maintain their core body temperatures with nothing more than warmed cotton blankets applied postoperatively.

We apply as many heated items as possible on very thin patients, including blood pressure cuffs warmed in our blanket warming cabinet. Some of our older patients have such severe pain in their lower limbs from poor circulation that being touched by as much as a sheet or a blanket hurts them. In these cases, we cover them only down to their knees.

It's perfectly fine to explain all the benefits of maintaining normothermia to inquisitive patients. Again, I don't find it necessary to offer how even a slight dip in their body temperatures can put them at risk for surgical site infections or other expensive and potentially even more dangerous complications. Whether you share that warming improves their clinical outcomes and is an important part of your care for them is up to you.

Keep patients actively warmed for the duration of their time in the OR.

More important, in my view, is making sure they have a good patient experience and that you've done everything in your power to make it so. I encourage you to ask patients in every phase of their experience if there's anything else you can do for them to improve their experience or enhance their stay. Ask it one final time before you help them to the door at discharge, because after they leave there will soon be a patient survey in their email inbox.

I've been to theaters where the movie was great, the floors were clean and the snacks were affordable, but the place was cold — so I never returned. Don't let a patient's reaction to being uncomfortably cold trump the clinically perfect care they received at your facility.

Comfortable patients often equate to return customers for us. We're in a small community and we often run into patients at Target. More than once, I've been stopped by former patients who have said we took better care of them than competing facilities in town. The fact that we kept them warm during their brief stay with us is an integral part of the positive feedback they share, which will be a big factor in their decision about where to go should they ever opt for elective surgery again. OSM

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