Can You Pass This Medication Safety Quiz?


Test your knowledge of current best practices with this informative exam.

Ensuring the medications used in your facility are administered properly, stored correctly and wasted appropriately is an ongoing challenge. Answering these eight questions and checking out the advice-filled responses will help you find out if your understanding of proper drug labeling, security and disposal practices makes the grade.

1. About _____ of nurses will suffer from substance use disorder during their careers, according to the American Nurses Association.

  • a. 5%
  • b. 10%
  • c. 15%
  • d. 20%
  • Reveal

METICULOUS MONITORING Don't let your facility's medication storage and disposal protocols fall through the cracks.

2. Which of the following is the most commonly diverted medication, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration?

  • a. hydromorphone
  • b. oxycodone
  • c. fentanyl
  • d. morphine
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3. You should spike IV solutions within how many hours of their intended use?

  • a. one
  • b. two
  • c. three
  • d. four
  • Reveal
HIGH RISK Opioids, benzodiazepines and amphetamines are the most commonly diverted controlled substances.

4. A patient claims to be allergic to sulfa medications, which have caused him to suffer major body rashes. Is it necessary to alert anesthesia of the reported allergy to sulfas because some forms of propofol contain sulfites?

  • a. yes
  • b. no
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5. How much dantrolene is needed to treat malignant hyperthermia in a patient weighing 70 kg?

  • a. 500 mg
  • b. 600 mg
  • c. 700 mg
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6. Which two medications are used to treat glaucoma and anxiety, respectively?

  • a. acetohexamide
  • b. acetazolamide
  • c. hydralazine
  • d. hydroxyzine
  • Reveal

7. A patient indicates a "significant allergy" to Percocet on an admission report. The PRN list for pain management lists several drugs and looks like the example below (the checkmarks indicate the prescriber's endorsed orders). What's your next step?

  • If the patient cannot take Percocet, administer fentanyl 50 mcg x1; may repeat in 15 minutes one time only
  • Oxycodone with APAP x1 as needed one time only
  • Tramadol 50 mg PRN for pain
  • Acetaminophen with Codeine #3 PRN for pain
  • Dilaudid 2 mg PO x1 if oxycodone/APAP is ineffective
  • Reveal
  |  Sheldon Sones

8. How should you address the potential for error shown in this picture?

  • Reveal


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