Former Chief Nursing Officer Alleges Firing Retaliation for Reporting Safety Concerns


Barbara McQuillan, BSN, RN, claims she was fired by Sparrow Carson Hospital for reporting "substandard medical care and treatment."

Barbara McQuillan WHISTLEBLOWER Barbara McQuillan, BSN, RN, says she was a high performer for years before suddenly being fired after raising safety concerns.

A former hospital administrator and chief nursing officer alleges that she was terminated in retaliation for reporting substandard medical care at Sparrow Carson Hospital in Carson City, Mich., — including a tubal ligation patient who lost 400cc of blood and a patient with appendicitis who was kept waiting 8 hours while staff searched in vain for a physician to treat him.

According to her wrongful termination lawsuit, Barbara McQuillan, BSN, RN, says she was fired after raising a series of safety concerns with her superiors and with the state.

One of these involved an obstetrician who after a number of "negative incidents,"

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