A male nurse is charged with sexually assaulting at least 4 patients who were under the effects of anesthesia, and police say that they are investigating other reports of assault.
According to court documents, charges were filed against Dennis Clark, a nurse in Kansas City, Kan., for sexually assaulting 4 patients. Three of the victims were assaulted at the Providence Medical Center, where Mr. Clark previously worked as a PACU nurse. Details surrounding the fourth victim were not available.
The Kansas City Star reports that the Kansas State Board of Licensing revoked Mr. Clark's license. The paper says the revocation order states that Mr. Clark touched the victims inappropriately while they were recovering from anesthesia.
A psychiatric patient reported that she was in a bathroom when Mr. Clark rubbed against her in a sexual way, according to the order. A second victim reported that Mr. Clark penetrated her vagina with his fingers, the order states, and a third patient reported that he ran his fingers over her pubic area.
The order also says 2 other patients complained about Mr. Clark when he worked at Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park, Kan. No charges were filed in those incidents, but police say they are reviewing those cases. Outpatient Surgery's attempts to receive a copy of the order were unsuccessful.
"We hold the safety of our patients as our highest priority," Providence Medical Center said in a statement. "When these allegations came to light, we terminated this person and contacted authorities. He is no longer employed at this hospital and we are cooperating fully with law enforcement. Beyond that, we can't comment due to privacy issues."
A preliminary hearing is set for Dec. 30, 2014. Mr. Clark could not be reached for comment, and his attorney did not return requests for comment.