AORN Facts

AORN, Inc., represents the interests of more than 160,000 perioperative nurses and provides nursing education, standards, and services that enable optimal outcomes for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures. Our over 44,000 registered nurse members facilitate the management, teaching, and practice of perioperative nursing education, or are engaged in perioperative research. Our members also include perioperative nurses who work in related business and industry sectors.

AORN collaborates with professional and regulatory organizations, industry leaders, and other health care partners who support our mission. Our clinical and administrative staff serves on the committees and boards of approximately 30 professional associations to protect and improve safe perioperative practices.

Our History

AORN of New York has been credited as the founder of the national AORN. This group became the charter members of the Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc. in 1954. The current name was adopted in 1999. Since our founding, the association has expanded to include more than 200 U.S. chapters and now makes its headquarters in Denver, Colorado. There are 10 specialty assemblies that offer a formal structure within AORN to facilitate national networking of AORN members interested in a subspecialty or interest area.

AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo

Our annual national conference, AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo (formerly AORN Congress), first presented in New York in 1954, is acknowledged as the largest gathering of perioperative professionals in the world and the largest surgical products trade show in the United States.

News & Publications

AORN offers several publications:

  • The AORN Journal features peer-reviewed and evidence-based articles (published monthly). Periop Briefing offers practical and personal perspectives that affect perioperative practice (published monthly within the Journal).
  • The Periop Today eNewsletter delivers time-sensitive news briefs, information on critical topics, and education resources, including online and face-to-face events.
  • In addition to our print and online publications, AORN provides perioperative professionals with the online discussion community, Periop Corner.